Same Journey, Different Place

The other day someone I’m very close to told me that studying abroad in England was the start of a new journey for me. To this I replied, “It’s not the start of a new journey, it’s just a continuation of my current journey in a new place.” You see, so often people talk of “starting a new journey,” when really one person’s life is a single journey in itself. Sure, there are different paths that we take and sometimes the courses of things change, but it is still all one big journey. The way I look at it, a person’s journey begins the day they are born and ends the day they die. Between these two points we are given the opportunity to take different paths and go different routes. We can never start an entirely new journey, but we can change the course that we are on. There may be times when we wish that we could start anew, but then what would be the point of all the life we have lived thus far? We live and we learn and we grow and we make changes and take different paths. Those paths that we take lead us to new adventures and new places, not new journeys. In two short days I will follow my new path to England where I will be studying abroad for the next four months. While there I plan to embrace my inner travel journalist and travel and write as much as I can, and I will share those adventures on this blog. I am excited and eager and ready and I can’t wait to share my travels with those who are willing to read them. Thank you for being a part of my journey, and I hope that the different paths that I take while on it will lead me to grow and prosper and fulfill my adventurous spirit, while inspiring the adventurous spirit in you.

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